Vcourts |Virtual Court| How to Pay Virtual Court Challan?
What are vcourts ?
The concept of a virtual court came to remove the presence of a plaintiff or lawyer in court. Everything goes on a virtual or digital platform.
A virtual court can be monitored using electronic devices by a judge whose jurisdiction can extend across the state and function all day and night.
A website will there for the public to access their case status. People can use their mobile number, challan, CNR, Vehicle number to search the cases.
How to pay Virtual Court Challan?
1. Visit website :
2. Select State
3. Process Now
4. Search your case by any of the following : Mobile number / CNR / Party name / Challan or vehicle number
5. Fill Captcha
6. Submit
7. All your challans will show at the bottom
8. Click any one challan
9. You can see the details of that particular challan